Kevin McGrath

Product Design That Drives Results

Image of person viewing the Beacon Dashboard on their laptop.

Dashboard Redesign

Learn how I redesigned an underperforming dashboard and reduced churn by 20%.

Read the Beacon dashboard redesign case study

Composition of various screenshots form the Beacon Dashboard

User Onboarding

Learn how I redesigned Beacon's onboarding process to help increase conversion rates by 30%.

Read the onboarding case study

Image of the Beacon resource library being used on a laptop

New Product Validation

Learn how I conducted thorough research to validate a new product opportunity.

Read the product validation case study.


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Designers Should Learn Marketing

Designers often ask if they should learn code but I think it would be just as beneficial to learn marketing.

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Undercover User Research

When it comes to user research I try to find a balance between speed and quality of insights. This is how I do that as efficiently as possible.

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Comfort Makes Cowards Of Us All

Sometimes comfort is the last thing you need.

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